Underground Utility & Excavation Contractor - Complete set of Books
This complete set includes the current editions for 'Underground utility & Excavation Trade Knowledge' and 'Business and Finance' books. Below is a complete list of the books included in the set. All books are new, unused, current editions. Quick reference tabs availble.
Underground Utility Trade Knowledge Reference Books
1). DIPRA - Installation of Ductile Iron Pipe
2). AWWA - Standard for PVC Pressure Pipe
3). Walker's Building Estimator's Guide
4). OSHA, CFR 1926 Construction Industry5). Concrete Pipe & Box Culvert
6). Pipe & Excavation Contractor
7). FDOT UAM - Utility Accomidation Manual
8). FDOT - 555 Jack and Bore & 556 Directional Drill
9). Handbook of PVC Pipe
10). Damage Prevetion Guide - Sunshine 811
11). Florida Building Code - Plumbing
Business & Finance Reference Books1). Florida Contractors Manual
2). Builders Guide to Accounting
3). Florida Statute 455 (Also found in the FL Contractors Manual)
4). AIA - A201 - General Conditions
5). AIA - A401 - Subcontractor Agreement
6). AIA - A701 - Instructors for Bidders
Underground Contractor - Set of Books
Complete Set of books used on the Underground Utility & Excavation Contractor CUC exams.
Book set used for both CUC exams:- Underground Utility & Excavation Trade Knowledge exam
- Business & Finance exam
Books shipped through FedEX or UPS. Signature required for receipt of all shipments. We ship complete book sets, boxes weigh up to 50lbs. If there are any missing books due to supply chain issues, typically backorders ship within 7 days.